
Back to School Organization Ideas

Back to School Organization

Are you looking for all things to help with your back to school organization? Well depending on what month you are reading this post your answer might be different. It depends on what kind of teacher you are; some of us teachers like to take a break during the summer and just start researching new back to school ideas a week or two before back to school time. Then there are other teachers, like me, that spend most of our summer searching for new ideas to implement in our classroom.

There are a countless number of blogs that are showing you back to school organizational tips. Lots of blogs that focus on how to organize your classroom.  What are these blogs missing? Well, they are missing how to organize your life!

I am going to give you tips on back to school organization for yourself.

Focusing on ways you can organize your time during the school day to get back your time with your family.

If you are interested in how to stop taking home your work at nights and on the weekends, so that you can have family time, then keep reading.

Let’s talk about how you feel!


Are you one of those teachers that feel burnt out? Are you wondering why you chose to be a teacher? Have you actually considered quitting teaching? Well, stop right here. I want to help you change the way you feel.. WHY?… well because I have been there.

I was only a few years in and couldn’t figure out how to do it all. How do I stay organized? I am having trouble constantly keeping in touch with parents! How do I keep up with all of this paperwork? Why am I spending my nights doing schoolwork when I have already worked a 10-hour workday?

I would find myself jealous of other professions because they get to leave their work at work. They do not have to worry about a parent emailing or texting you at night. Which then could potentially ruin the rest of your night because you can’t stop worrying about it.

Yes, I have been there…. there is a way to feel happy, there is a way to take away some of that stress, more than anything there is a way to stop taking your work home and have nights and weekends back with your family.

Just stick around until the end or you can go ahead and click here to get access to this free challenge. CHALLENGE IS CURRENTLY CLOSED, but you can still sign up to be on the waiting list for when it opens again!

How can changing your mindset change your life?

With anything we do in life we realize that we have to change the way we think about things. You could listen to any podcast or read motivational quotes that inspire you, but without implementing and trying new ways to do things it will be very challenging to change your mindset.

It really takes you and whatever motivates you to help you make a change in your life for the better. Sometimes you need to just dive right into something and try it because if you think about it too long, you will talk yourself out of it.

Also, it’s back to school time, so why not try out something new? Why not try to make a change in your life? Especially if there is any way it could possibly get you more time with your family?

How can my Challenge help you with your back to school organization?

Well, I am challenging you to rethink your back to school organization this year. I don’t want you to just think of the ways to organize your classroom. I want you to focus on organizing your time. Organizing your time that you have in the school day to be as efficient as possible.

This is a 5 days series that gives you something to implement each day. Then I ask for your opinions, your successes, your failures, your ideas. Why do I ask for these things? Well, because the only way I learned these things is through research and trial & error.  I also can learn from you as much as you can learn from me. We are all always learning.

CHALLENGE IS CURRENTLY CLOSED, but you can still sign up to get on the waiting list for when it opens again.

What research? What trial and error?back-to-school-organization-tips

Well, I talked to fellow colleagues (those that were able to leave at the bell almost every day), talked to other teachers in online Facebook groups, and even read article after article trying to find the best strategies to try to organize my time.

I compiled a list and just starting trying things. After much trial and error, I picked the 5 tips and tricks that I tried and I found the most beneficial.

These are the main things I use every day that have helped me get my sanity back.

These are the back to school organization ideas and tips that changed my home life for the better.

What are you waiting for? Try these back to school organization ideas in order to change your life!

You are losing absolutely nothing, to try this challenge. This could be the key to getting your home life back. Why not give it a try? THE CHALLENGE IS CURRENTLY CLOSED, but you can get on the waiting list for when it reopens.

Why do I do this? Well, these challenges are things that you need to try in your classroom, these challenges are things that I want your feedback on from when you implemented in your classroom. It will also help when you implementing this with other teachers around the world because you can hear about their successes and failures as well as their tips and tricks.


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Rachel Griffith

I help teachers and student grow academically. I am from a small town in Texas and enjoy helping others be successful. You will pretty much always find me sitting on the computer working unless I am chasing around my two little ones. 

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