
Numberless Word Problems

Using Numberless Word Problems in your classroom!

Have you heard everyone talking about using numberless word problems and you keep asking what are these? Why do I need to use numberless word problems in my classroom?

Well, I am here to explain exactly what numberless word problems are, how you can create them and why they have changed the way I teach word problems in my 3rd grade classroom. I want to show you how to become a master at teaching word problems and experience the power of numberless word problems. I will also include free numberless word problems to try out for yourself as well as a step by step guide to creating your own.

I am currently hosting a FREE video series that walks you through what numberless word problems are, why you need them, and how you can incorporate them into your daily classroom routine. It also includes 2 Free Bonuses… A step by step guide to making your own numberless word problems and free numberless word problems to use in your classroom. Just click here to sign up!

First of all, what are numberless word problems?

They are one step or two step word problems that start out without any numbers and then through a class discussion numbers are gradually added.

My students were finally understanding how word problems are just like everyday real-world scenarios.

At the time I started using this strategy I was a third grade teacher(I still am a 3rd grade teacher). I was always searching for math word problems for 3rd grade. Let’s face it when you get to math word problems for 3rd grade, it gets a lot more challenging than it was in the 2nd grade math. Word problems for 3rd grade include all operations. They have to not only know how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide but they also have to look at the word problem and decide when and what operation they are supposed to use. Well, I spent countless hours giving my students worksheets with word problems for 3rd grade just to keep practicing word problems until they eventually figured it out.

Well, that basically didn’t work because they didn’t understand what was happening in the word problem. They were just guessing which operation to use rather than understanding what was really happening. BUT when I finally starting using numberless word problems….

They were finally understanding what operation to use (not by just looking at the keyword) but by understanding what was happening in the problem. If you would like to experience this yourself click here.  If you are interested in some other strategies I use to teach multiplication and division word problems just click here to read that blog post.

You can use these numberless word problems for any and all grade levels.

Honestly, you could use them for any problem, off any worksheet, or out of any book. All you would need to do is cover up the numbers. You can also easily use them digitally for your distance learning needs, just go read here to find out.

If you would like something that is already created for you then check these out.

Here are the reasons that I LOVE these resources!

  1. They are themed, so as we go through each season, the word problems we discuss are relevant at that time of year.
  2. They include exit tickets. I give them 2 exit tickets at the end of the week that match the same process of questions we did that week. ( Just choose 2 out of the 3 questions we do.)
  3. Then I use data to show me whether my students understand that type of problem or not. If the majority still struggled with that type of problem, then I know to explicitly teach that. It’s not a big deal because the next season will include that exact type of situation to solve.

Go ahead and start creating your own, you got this!!

If you want you can try this free numberless word problem to see what you think just click here to join my free video series!

Love it? Click here to see what I have available in my store. If you want to get updated when I release your grade level click here to be notified.

Still have more questions?

Email me, ask me on Facebook, or direct message me on Instagram and I will be glad to help as much as I can. I promise it will be worth it!

Teachers would you like a strategy that will help your students finally understand how to solve word problems rather than guessing?

Sign up now and receive tips and freebies and access this amazing strategy.

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Rachel Griffith

I help teachers and student grow academically. I am from a small town in Texas and enjoy helping others be successful. You will pretty much always find me sitting on the computer working unless I am chasing around my two little ones. 

Help your students learn how to solve word problems