
How I created “Pretty Pins”

How I created “Pretty Pins ” and you can too!


The very beginning of my Journey

When I first started out learning how to make Pinterest Pins I had just started on Teachers Pay Teachers. I was taking a free online course to learn everything I need to do in order to create products for Teachers Pay Teachers. One of those things I learned was how to create Pinterest Pins.

In addition to that free course and some YouTube videos, I started creating my first Pins!! Are you ready for it?? Here are some of my very first Pinterest Pins I ever made.

3rd-grade-math-TEKS place-value-in-math ordering-numbers-least-to-greatest numberless-word-problems numberless-word-problems

Started Learning More

Alright, Alright you will never believe that I actually was proud of those. I thought I had done a good job! Well even though I was putting in the work making pins, I was not receiving any click-throughs and definitely not any saves.

I already knew the basics of using Pinterest BUT designing beautiful things was not my expertise. So I did not search far before I came across Kristin’s course!

numberless-word-problemsIt is a course where everything you need is all available after you purchase, so after a few hours, I had learned everything from her course and was already implementing it. I am a hands-on learner so I was listening and watching her video and creating my pin while watching! This is the pin I created and it received more saves and click-throughs than any of my other PINS. This was not made with a template or anything. It was made from a blank white slate, only following her directions.

This Pin receives more click through and repins than any of my other Pins EVER!!

The templates she provided were just a BONUS and honestly, I started out using those but now I create more on my own because I can venture away from depending on the templates.


After Learning How to Design Pins from Kristin

Look at the Pins I am creating now!! Ya’ll She did this!! She helped me get the “design eye” that I have never had before. I am so thankful that I took Kristin’s course and I still refer back to it all the time when I want to try one of the advanced techniques that she includes.

place-value-in-math numberless-word-problems fractions-on-a-number-line

Since taking her course, I now make my actual Teachers Pay Teachers products prettier. My cover images for my products more eye-catching and my social media images better quality as well. Go look at my cover pages here (They are at the bottom)!

If you are needing help with designing things then don’t miss out on this offer! I am very frugal and I can get guarantee this is course is worth every penny. Honestly, for the amount of quality you get, I think she should charge more!

This course is only available when she opens the cart, so don’t miss out!! You don’t know when she will open cart again, so get on the waitlist now!

I will receive a small commission for referring you to Kristin’s course but this course is the reason that I make money from my Pinterest Pins now,  so I want you to be able to do that too, I would not share this if it wasn’t true.

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Rachel Griffith

I help teachers and student grow academically. I am from a small town in Texas and enjoy helping others be successful. You will pretty much always find me sitting on the computer working unless I am chasing around my two little ones. 

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